Hurricane Preparedness and Boat Insurance in Houston

If you reside in or near Houston, TX, encountering a hurricane is likely. Boats, in particular, can be at risk. Make sure not to be underinsured!

Hurricane Risks in Houston

Historically, the Houston area has experienced several hurricanes, including recent instances such as:

  • Hurricane Harvey in 2017
  • Hurricane Ike in 2008
  • Tropical Storm Allison in 2001

These storms led to significant flooding, which caused many boats to be destroyed by high winds and rising waters.

Hurricane-Related Boat Damages

Boat damage is almost inevitable during hurricanes. Storm surges can result in:

  • Boats being lifted off their moorings
  • Collisions between vessels
  • Grounding
  • Capsizing
  • Submersion of marinas
  • Flooding-related damage to electrical systems

Hurricane winds can also cause damages like:

  • Torn sails
  • Damaged hulls
  • Dislodged equipment
  • Collisions from flying debris
  • Collisions with neighboring vessels

Boat Insurance to Cover Hurricane Damages

It is important to have the right coverage to address potential hurricane damages appropriately. You should have:

  • Storm surge coverage
  • Wind damage coverage
  • Emergency towing and salvage

If you lack these critical types of hurricane coverage, you might have to deal with major expenses if your boat gets destroyed.

Additional Hurricane Preparation Tips for Boat Owners

Use additional lines when mooring your boat. You might even want to double up on lines for extra resilience.

Remove any sails or canopies. Ensure all hatches and ports are closed. Make sure your bilge pumps are operational, and the batteries are fully charged.

Keeping track of all your documents is also crucial so you’re prepared to deal with the aftermath. If you’d like to discuss your coverage options in Houston, TX, please get in touch with Modern Risk Management. We’re here to help!