The Process for Filing a Flood Insurance Claim

Floods can occur unexpectedly and inflict considerable damage in a short span. Homeowners in Houston, TX, who have included flood insurance in their homeowner’s policies have shown good foresight. However, those who have never had to file a flood insurance claim may be uncertain of the procedure due to a lack of past experience. Here is a concise explanation of the claim filing process:

A Straightforward Approach

Filing a claim following a flood incident is straightforward and shouldn’t induce stress. Here are the steps involved in the process:

  • Step 1 – Immediately report the damage to your flood insurance provider.
  • Step 2 – Document the flood damage through photos and videos, including the height of the water. Do not remove any damaged items unless you have photographic evidence, providing your adjuster ample proof for examination.
  • Step 3 – Initiate the cleanup post-flooding to halt mold growth.
  • Step 4 – Prepare for the adjuster’s visit. While photos and videos can help establish the extent of the damage, most adjusters would prefer to assess the damage in person.
  • Step 5 – After your adjuster has completed the necessary documentation and all other requirements, you will receive payment commensurate with the assessed damage.

As evident, the flood insurance claim process should not be daunting. It is relatively easy and akin to other types of insurance claim procedures. If you’re searching for a new flood insurance provider for your home in Houston, TX, consider Modern Risk Management. We strive to offer excellent service and maintain affordable rates. Contact us today for a quote and to embark on this journey.